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Since October 2008
a. Engineering, design and applications for water treatmet re-use for the industry. The final potable water treatment system contains the following
b.Specialized equipment: pipes and pieces, water pumps, drains, valves, manifolds, and distributors that integrate the system.
a. We are specialists in building water treatment plants for the removal of iron, manganese, arsenic and other metals.
b. We design the structure of the system , including tanks and pipelines.
c. Selecting only high efficiency electrical and mechanical equipment which are similar to the motors and plant controls which your company is currently using.
Selective potabilization processes and treatment tests where necessary, selection and chemical agents are analyzed, as well as the materials to be used.
We have a wide range of products and equipment able to meet your needs for:
Potable water treatment
Water Purification (reverse osmosis, nanofiltration)